Muslim creationism part 9
This is part of a series about the book “The Creation of the Universe” by Adnan Oktar. View Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7 and Part 8.
Chapter 8: The specially created elements of life
This chapter is really just more of the same kind of fine tuning arguments. The two things Oktar is marvelling at are Carbon and Oxygen. If carbon wasn’t capable for forming 4 covalent bonds, organic chemistry as we know it wouldn’t be possible. If oxygen was either more or less reactive than it is, it wouldn’t participate in chemical reactions the same way it does now. Again, those are not reasons to think that carbon and oxygen were designed for us.
The first part of the conclusion is really just a restatement of the fine tuning argument that has pervaded the book. Everything in the universe is such that the universe can support life, therefore it must have been created by Allah. The Big Bang happened therefore Allah must have created the universe. Neither of these conclusions follow from the premises.
The second part of the conclusion is actually about things that were not even addressed in the book! He states that life is so overwhelmingly unlikely that it could not have happened by chance and quotes some calculation from someone called Shapiro who calculated the odds at almost zero.
The rest of the chapter is just a few quotes from the Quran which say that Allah created everything: “Your Lord is Allah, who created the heavens and the earth in six days and then established himself firmly on the throne.” Hardly compelling.