Humour Part 3

 | 2 min

Please see Humour: Part 4 for an explanation of this post.

Q. Why did the black man cross the road? A. Who cares? What the hell was he doing out of the cotton fields?

Q. What do get when you cross a mexican and a chinese? A. A car thief who can't drive.

Q. What's the difference between good black kids and bad black kids? A. Good black kids are in medium security prisons.

Q. Whats the difference between a Jew and a canoe? A. A canoe tips.

Q. How do you get a black kid to take a shower? A. Open a fire hydrant, and start selling crack on the other side.

Q. What do you have if you've got a nigger up to his neck in cement? A. Not enough cement.

Q. What do you call a black man in a suit? A. Defendant.

Q. A white boy and a black boy are having a race down a tunnel. Who won? A. The white boy, the nigger had to stop and spray paint "Muthafucka" on the wall.

Q. What is a Jews biggest dilemma? A. Free pork.

Q. What do mexicans and sperm have in common? A. Only one in two million work!

Q. What do black people give their daughter when she turns 13? A. A baby shower.

Q. Why did the Jews walk around the desert for 40 years? A. They heard that someone dropped a quarter.

Q. What do you call sex with a black man? A. Rape!

Q. How do you hide money from a mexican? A. Hide it under a bar of soap!

Q. Why are there niggers in heaven? A. There's toilets to be cleaned there too.

Q. What do you get when you breed a black and a mexican? A. A thief who's too lazy to steal.

Q. How do you get a nigger out of a tree? A. Cut the rope.