Thank god for dead soldiers - WTF?

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The good thing about these people is that they are considered the lunatic fringe by both sides of the US political spectrum.

Their 'god hates fags' message probably resonates with the conservative christian right (who are the main demographic of Fox News and Hannity and Colmes in particular). However, to many on the right of the political spectrum, saying anything even vaguely anti-war is considered tantamount to treason.

Liberals are likely to be sympathetic to an anti-war message, but no rational and compassionate person is going to agree with a 'it's good for soldiers to die because it's god's punishment' message, especially the way they keep phrasing it: "Thank God for 18 dead troops. We wish it were 18,000"

I can't even stand reading their website. When I first saw it, I was sure it must be satire, but it's not. It is unbelievably hate-filled. They're basically convinced that god hates just about everyone but especially gays (and presumably not them). Their logic with the soldiers is that because there are gays in America, America is evil, and because the soldiers are fighting on behalf of America, they too are evil (and probably gay) and therefore all deserve to die.

But God must surely hate them for continuing to live in such an evil hate-filled country, right? They could have emigrated.

The good thing about this is that these people are so far out there that it's hard to imagine that they can gain any serious political or moral traction.

Now, I believe in free speech, so this woman is within her rights to say what she likes. I'm just disturbed by the possibility (even likelihood) that there are people who might consider her to make sense, particular since she is a representative of the Westboro Baptist Church. And frankly, I'm a little sickened that she seems to have such little compassion for others. I wonder if she is actually a sociopath?

I don't think ignoring this sort of thing is going to work - if society doesn't denounce it, it gives it some credibility (if only to the more of the lunatic fringe). Try god loves fags, for a start.