Cum shot / blowjob

 | 1 min

Creamy shooter.

Cumshot shooter


  • 1/3 Baileys
  • 1/3 Kahlua or butterscotch schnapps
  • 1/3 Whipped cream


The Baileys and the other ingredient are mixed, and then the whipped cream goes on top. The two alcoholic ingredients can also be layered. (The one in the photo is made with butterscotch schnapps)

The key thing about this shot is the way you drink it. The drink has to be consumed with no hands. Firstly, you suck up the cream. If any spills, another person has to lick it off. Then, you pick up the glass in your mouth and shoot it, no hands.

If you use the proper technique, you will immediately feel how appropriate the name is. However, personally I think it is a lot better for everyone if you can use your hands as well as your mouth.