tag | ui8 posts

Would you download an exe from this site?

|3 min

Hands up how many people would download an unexpected exe from some site they'd just found on google? A site with no content except for four exe files?. Not many I'd bet, well, not many sensible ones at least. So what made the people at this site think this was a good way to provide everyone with access to their product catalogues?

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GUIdebook Graphical User Interface gallery

|1 min

Fancy a walk down GUI memory lane? Then visit GUIdebook: Graphical User Interface gallery

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Using icons that show both action and state

|1 min

Which of these icons means 'you are subscribed to email notifications', and which one means you aren't?

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If PDF is unfit for human consumption, then what is this?

|2 min

If Jakob Nielsen thinks that PDF is unfit for human consumption, what would he make of this ebook website?

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Are you a Microsoft Office guru?

|2 min

I always considered myself to be pretty proficient at using the Microsoft Office suite, and most of the hints and tips that I find on the web are usually things I already know. However, I just came across a series of Office tips from Payne consulting, covering Excel, Outlook, Word and PowerPoint, which included quite a few very useful things that I never knew about. Here are some highlights:

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Usable Forms

|4 min

One important part of designing websites for user interaction is creating effective and usable forms. There are several main cases where users will have to fill out a form in an ecommerce site: (1) completing the checkout process, (2) registering with the site, and (3) contacting you for information/quotes etc. In addition, depending on your site, you might have other functions that require people to fill out html forms.

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What should I do when I see bad web design?

|1 min

I quite often come across badly designed websites. But I always wonder, should I do something about it? Should I send an email to the company and politely tell them about the usability issues I encountered?
How would someone react getting an email out of the blue telling them their site sucks? Even if I could phrase it nicely, would people take this as an insult? Or as constructive criticism?

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Don’t click it!

|1 min

Can you imagine a web based user interface that you use without clicking? How long do you last without clicking? I managed to navigate the entire site without clicking, but it was a struggle. The site definitely highlights how completely pervasive the idea of clicking things has become. There are probably a lot of places where interfaces could be designed to recognise mouse gestures and not need clicks.

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