tag | feminism4 posts

Humour Part 1

|2 min

Please see Humour: Part 4 for an explanation of this post.

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Humour Part 2

|2 min

Please see Humour: Part 4 for an explanation of this post.

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Humour Part 4 - Why I don't think they're funny

|4 min

I regularly get emails sent around with sexist jokes like those in Part 1 & Part 2. I'm pretty sure a few years ago we used to have a whole lot of them hung on the walls of our postgrad labs. I know I found them funny then, but I don't anymore.

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The atheist label - I don't really want it anymore

|5 min

I have never believed in any gods. The correct term for a lack of belief in gods is atheist, and I've been happy to apply that term to myself for the past two decades. In New Zealand, Australia and most of western Europe, identifying as an atheist is not particularly problematic. Religion is no longer a major force in society and most people are not religious. Religion is generally considered a private matter, and religion or lack of it is not necessarily associated with any set of political or social beliefs.

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