
 | 1 min

One of the most enjoyable parts of this trip back to New Zealand was spending time with my niece and nephew. Makayla is just over 2 months old, and Cameron will be 3 later this month. He’s adorable although a huge bundle of energy! He’s a pretty good big brother though. When his sister is crying, he’ll come and try to cheer her up, making funny noises and faces at her to make her laugh, and giving her hugs and kisses. And even though she’s not a very smiley baby so far, he is usually able to get a smile from her.






Getting photos of Cameron is pretty hard – he’s never still for a moment. I’ve got dozens of blurry pictures that you would be hard pressed to see him. Makayla is a bit easier to get pictures of at the moment, although getting smiles is a bit harder. She does have a huge range of gorgeous little frowny faces though!

