Answers In Genesis

 | 2 min

Whenever I'm feeling particularly masochistic, I read websites like, a young earth creationist fundamentalist christian apologetics site. I highly recommend their article called 'What’s the best “proof” of creation?'. It is aimed at christians, teaching them the best way to argue with and convert evolutionists. They start off with some useful information about which arguments not to use - specifically a few famous ones that are fairly widely known to be hoaxes or lies. Then they explain that the difference between creationists and evolutionists is not in the facts, but in the interpretation of the facts - a very useful perspective on the issue.

Next they advice the wannabe apologist never to agree to debate terms that leave the bible out of the discussion. They liken this to a soldier agreeing to fight without weapons or body armour, a tacit admission that in fact there is no evidence for creation to be found outside the bible.

The main body of the article details how creationists should argue with evolutionists by reinterpreting any facts in a way that is consistent with the bible, giving a few examples of how to do they. It laments the fact that some christians have been led away from young earth creationism by blindly accepting secular interpretations of evidence rather than reinterpreting everything in the light of the bible. "If only they would start with the presupposition that God’s Word is true, they would find that they could then correctly interpret the evidence of the present and show overwhelmingly that observational science repeatedly confirms such interpretations."

They finish with a summary of the process of "The next time evolutionists use what seem to be convincing facts for evolution, try to determine the presuppositions they have used to interpret these facts. Then, beginning with the big picture of history from the Bible, look at the same facts through these biblical glasses and interpret them differently. Next, using the real science of the present that an evolutionist also uses, see if that science, when properly understood, confirms (by being consistent with) the interpretation based on the Bible. You will find over and over again that the Bible is confirmed by real science."

Or, put another way:

  1. Evolutionists present some facts
  2. Get the bible
  3. Using the bible, reinterpret the facts in a way that is consistent with the bible
  4. Show that the reinterpreted facts are consistent with the bible
  5. Conclude that the bible is true

Nowhere did they actually provide any proof of creation whatsoever.