Christian Programming

 | 1 min
  Public Function Prosyletize as String


       Prosyletize = "God is good and perfect and the creator of all things."


     Catch clsDebate as Exception

       Select Case clsDebate

         Case BasicBeliefs

           Prosyletize = "The Bible is the literal Word of God."

         Case Inconsistency

           Prosyletize = "God works in mysterious ways."

         Case UnansweredPrayers

            Prosyletize = "God only answers the prayers of true believers."

         Case Else

            Prosyletize = "Your point about the Bible is out of context."

       End Select


       MsgBox("You must read the Bible to understand. I will pray for you.")

     End Try

  End Function

-- In Visual Basic by JohnNotTheBaptist

  10 PRINT "The Bible is True because the bible says so"

  20 GOTO 10

-- In Basic by Aegis