More Downeasters, including “Alexa”

 | 1 min

Here is a picture of Billy Joel with his own downeaster "Alexa". The boat is named after his daughter.

Alexa, a Downeaster style fishing boat

A downeaster is the common name for a class of boats commonly used as fishing boats and lobster boats around the New England coast.

Billy Joel grew up on Long Island, and went to sea on a oyster boat for a while, and so has personal experience of the fishing industry that the song is about.

Downeasters are designed to be very stable work boats that can handle even very rough weather comfortably. These qualities make them excellent pleasure craft too.

Doesn't this look like a great boat for a day out cruising?

Downeaster cruiser

I think I'd prefer something more suitable for an extended stay, like this flybridge version:


Remind me not to miss the boat show next year.